Submit Your Artwork
Welcome! I’m looking forward to helping you with a critique of your lesson. Just upload a picture of your painting from one of the lessons that are in your account.
Here are a few guidelines you agreed to when signing up – read these over before your submit your artwork. Then scroll down, fill out the form and I’ll be notified that you are ready for a critique.
Once I finish your Personal Video Critique, I’ll post a reply and you’ll get an email to remind you that your critique is ready.
Thank you – have a wonderful day!
Critique Request Guidelines
- Your total number of critiques, as well as how many you have used and how many are remaining, are listed below. If you are a Bronze Friend of PPL, you will have 1 critique per billing cycle added to your account (2 if you are a Silver Friend of PPL).
- Don’t worry, if you don’t use your critique request this month, it will still be available until you use it. Critique requests do not “expire”.
- Critiques are limited to artwork related to the lessons, including independent assignments (if you want Marla to review your original work).
- You can upload up to four related pictures at once. If you need more, contact my HelpDesk.