My Lessons | How to Paint Glowing Fall Scenes | Supplemental Videos | Student Critiques
How to Paint Glowing Fall Scenes
Fall is a wonderful time for landscape painters: the sun comes in at a steeper angle and makes for better light and shadow conditions with its slanting rays and warmer colors. The hallmark of the season, though, is the color transformation in fall foliage. This month’s focus is on capturing this grand and inspirational time of year.
How to Capture Glowing Fall Foliage
We want luminous glowing foliage! I’ll show you my proven method for planning the foliage masses, using negative painting to achieve a beautiful result!
How to Portray a Canopy of Foliage
There is nothing like standing under a glowing canopy in the fall. In this lesson, we will capture this magical and elusive quality of light.
Using A Complementary Scheme in Fall
Highlighting the brilliance of bright yellow, we will use compliments to achieve maximum effect!
These videos will extend your understanding of the key concepts presented this month. Spend some time with these. Some of them are YouTube videos available to the public but they fit nicely with our study, so I wanted you to be aware of them and take a look.
Interlocking Shapes & Skyholes
Painting convincing skyholes that don’t end up looking like they are stuck on can be tricky! I’ll show you my proven method for making them really work in your landscapes.
Beyond Greens
I love to paint outdoors in the summer here in Oregon. There is one problem; so much GREEN! It can get downright boring. So let’s get a deeper view into greens and see if we can make some sense of them and make them a bit more exciting.
Another Perspective
We spent a good deal of time reducing the landscape into those relatively flat shapes but we need to go even further to truly depict a convincing realm of space to our viewer. We need to suggest three dimensions. If we were able to walk into our paintings we could actually walk around the elements, right?
We want to convince our viewers of this that we could do this in our painting.
Finding Light